Sep 16Liked by Thomas Balistrieri, Ed.D.

This is a very important, well-written and well-researched post, Thomas. The facts literally SCREAM out for all who will listen. Only time will tell if the people come to their senses!

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I’m losing faith that much will change

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Sep 17Liked by Thomas Balistrieri, Ed.D.

I totally relate, Thomas. But, teach on, fight on, we must!

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Sep 15Liked by Thomas Balistrieri, Ed.D.

Indeed frightening! Perhaps, there is still time for the sheep to revolt? However, I fear that their lethargy is too deep and that the wolves, well-informed, proceed in packs. Anyway, the numbers do not lie, and they hit us in the face. Do the sheep, in the end, not deserve their doom?...

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Do not the sheep deserve their doom? In the spiritual path I follow the saying, “What goes around comes around,” is in play. As a human I don’t have to harm my soul by wishing ill will on the wolves … the universe will find its way to them in time. That is far more cruel as we never know when or how the universe will come back around. But what I do ‘see’ is that the USA no longer scares the sheep and we will pay the price of our avarice as BRICS and such come into being. The universe suffers and children suffer but these soulless ‘people’ will pay the price. That I do believe. Thank you for commenting

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Sep 15Liked by Thomas Balistrieri, Ed.D.

Pious and wise thoughts that we share generously. Thank you...

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Thomas Balistrieri, Ed.D.

Speaking in terms of Nature, both, the wolves and sheep interdependent, not just on each other, but also to the same piece of earth and whatever it still provides. Hence mutual aid, between the sheep and wolves, the top and the bottom, would be the only way to survive. Or how else? In this Dance of remaining Life.

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I think another possibility in this metaphor ... is for America to stop being the wolf and re-identify as one of the flock.

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Internationalism is what you mean perhaps. In any case, like every empire collapses from within, we can assume a similar outcome for America.

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Sep 16Liked by Thomas Balistrieri, Ed.D.

Speaking with the numbers is very impactful, Thomas. Thank You. I will use this.

The lives may not matter to my siblings, but the money will resonate. They ignore my posts, I know. When they don't ignore them, they reply with verbal shrugs.

Money may talk to them.

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I have the same experience … well my family has black sheeped me. It doesn’t matter… I cannot live knowing that right now… as I write… 1000 to 2000 more soldiers have died and in Gaza moms and kids extinguished. I’m horrified. Thank you for writing

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shame on america.

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