The old story about The Dance of Life and Death is important in these times AND I wish to offer an updated revision. My purpose? To continue to add my voice of, Wake Up Americans, Now.
The original story of The Dance of Life and Death
A wolf is hungry and spies a flock of sheep. He watches carefully and observes one sheep that looks nice and plump. He runs as stealthily and as quickly as possible, easily catching and killing his prey. Munching on mutton the wolf notices that the other sheep are not running for their lives. In fact, they seem utterly undisturbed by the death of their friend. The sheep have been bred to continuously grow thick fleece and to be utterly dependent. They are seemingly without spirit and the innate desire to live, to be.
The wolf considers the situation, lashes out and easily kills another sheep. The victim did not run nor fight back but simply submitted to the will of the wolf. The flock remained undisturbed. The wolf strikes again simply because he can. Then before even tasting that kill, strikes again killing yet another sheep. And another. Soon the entire flock is dead, the grass slippery with blood. The wolf learns he can kill and control at will. Though his coat is matted with blood, with enough mutton to last a year, the sated wolf also experiences a sense of disquiet.
In those moments that the wolf was lost in the frenzy of bloodlust and greed he forgot The Dance of Life and Death. Thus the disquiet. Yet, simultaneously, experiencing a powerful drunken stupor of invincibility.
An updated revision of The Story of Life and Death
The sheep have had enough.
A wolf is hungry and spies a flock of sheep. He watches carefully and observes one sheep that looks nice and plump. He runs as stealthily and as quickly as possible, intending to easily catch and kill his prey. Just as the unsuspecting sheep is about to be subsumed three other sheep charge the unsuspecting wolf and knock him down.
The wolf is stunned and becomes angry charging the three sheep expecting them to stand and helplessly face their demise. Instead the three sheep stand their ground, and more than that, the entire flock joins the fray unafraid of the wolf. The all powerful wolf is undaunted, bares its teeth and charges. The flock, undaunted and acting as one, surround the wolf smothering it with their number and courage.
The sheep have rediscovered The Dance of Life and Death. They will no longer simply genuflect to the will of the wolf. They intend to live in strength with one another and refuse to live in fear and anxiety.
Those that stood alone in weakness and blind obeisance have had enough. The time of the drunken blood lust wolf is coming to an ignominious end. It is time for everyone to decide where they will stand in The Dance of Life and Death.
In the eyes of the world the United States has become the Angel of Death. We have worn out our welcome. We predominantly speak the language of violence, stealing, lying, hoarding and lust. We bring to the world is death.
Our greedy ignorant leaders are taking us down a very dark road of destruction, despair and death.
There are around 750 U.S. military bases in at least 80 countries.
Congressional legislation authorizes $841.4 billion for the Department of Defense (DOD),
$32.4 billion for national security programs within the Department of Energy (DOE), and
$438.0 million in defense-related activities.
The USA was involved in 15 shadow wars in 2023, (Stacker, Jul 30, 2023.)
Approximately 900,000 civilians have died violent deaths as a direct result of the U.S. post-9/11 wars, (Watson Institute, 2021.)
The Chart above doesn’t include the Ukraine Conflict and the Israeli/Palestine Genocide.
The total number of Ukrainian and Russian troops killed or wounded since the war in Ukraine began 18 months ago is nearing 500,000 according to U.S. officials, (NY Times, 2023)
OHCHR had recorded 35,160 civilian casualties in Ukraine since February 24, 2022: 11,520 killed and 23,640 injured, but said they believe the real number is higher, (OHCHR, 2024)
Palestinian health authorities say Israel's ground and air campaign in Gaza has killed more than 40,000 people, mostly civilians, (Reuters, August 2024).
Projection of total Palestinians murdered is 600,000 by bombing, starvation, suicide and disease.
The United States had a market share of over 40 percent in international arms exports between 2019 and 2023.
In FY2023 the total value of transferred defense articles and services and security cooperation activities conducted under the Foreign Military Sales system was $80.9 billion. This represents a 55.9% increase, up from $51.9 billion in FY2022. The $80.9 billion figure for the FY2023 includes $62.25 billion in arms sales funded by U.S. ally and partner nations; $3.97 billion funded through the Title 22 Foreign Military Financing program; and $14.68 billion funded through other Department of State programs (such as International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement, Nonproliferation, Anti-terrorism, Demining, and Related Programs) and Department of Defense Building Partner Capacity programs (like the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative).We are the Angel of Death around the globe. (U.S. Department of State, 2024)
Here are two FACTS we MUST grasp.
So that the Dems win the election the Ukraine war MUST NOT END within the next 52 days. The Dems will do ANYTHING to make sure Ukraine does not lose before the election. Do you GRASP what that means?
At an approximate count of 1000 Russian casualties per day that means 52,000 more Russian soldiers will be killed or maimed prior to election day.
At an approximate count of 2000 Ukrainian casualties per day that means 104,000 more Ukrainian soldiers will be killed or maimed before Election Day.
At an approximate. cost of 120 million dollars per day that means … 52 times 120 million … comes to … $6,240,000,000. (Hmmm, Massachusetts allows me $23.00 a month for food stamps.)
I repeat … the Dems will NOT win if Ukraine loses the war before the election so all these people must die and all this money must be spent for Kamala Harris. (What do you really think this bloody incursion was about? Come on) Trump LOVEs Putin and will give Ukraine to Russia if he wins the election.
So that the ZioNazi Lobby continues to be happy the genocide of the Palestinians MUST continue. Trump and the GOP is favored. After all, Miriam Adelson DID receive ‘the most important medal’ from Trump and she has stated that she can manipulate Trump into doing anything. (I wonder if he grasps here pussy or does she hold him by his tiny balls?) Do you grasp what that means?
At an approximate count of 250 violent deaths per day caused by the IDF and the approximate count of 50-100 deaths per day by starvation and disease… means 20,000 more Palestinians will die before the election. (Remember, the number 250 is a body count and does not include those under the rubble or vaporized)
At an approximate count of 3 violent deaths per day (1/5 by friendly fire) that means 156 more IDF soldiers will be killed.
At an approximate cost of 240 million dollars a day times 52 days means 12,480,000,000 will be spent on the genocide between now and the election.
So, again, you really truly believe YOU have any influence on who wins the election and you really truly believe one candidate is more humane than the other? We Americans have been split into two factions by the lies, greed, violence and purposeful manipulation of the filthy rich, AIPAC and the CIA. We have been split into two factions because we don’t read, we are easily manipulated, we have lost the ability to think critically and as Americans we have forgotten how to care for one another. We have taken on the violent un-empathic traits of our handlers but reap few benefits.
This is a very important, well-written and well-researched post, Thomas. The facts literally SCREAM out for all who will listen. Only time will tell if the people come to their senses!
Indeed frightening! Perhaps, there is still time for the sheep to revolt? However, I fear that their lethargy is too deep and that the wolves, well-informed, proceed in packs. Anyway, the numbers do not lie, and they hit us in the face. Do the sheep, in the end, not deserve their doom?...