Sep 13Liked by Thomas Balistrieri, Ed.D.

When I was quite young, back in the mid 70's, I read William Shirer's 'The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich'. His detailed review of Operation Barbarossa both horrified and amazed me. The Russian people have a deep profound attachment to their land and culture. They will fight to the death, to the last man, rather than capitulate to any foreign invader. I believe this to be a simple undeniable truth. It has nothing to do with Putin. It is in their bones. History confirms this multiple times. I highly doubt this passion within them has changed.

I read your initial piece. It has been percolating within me for the past few weeks.

Our current spate of western leaders are fools.

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In this past year I’ve re-read and read books like the book you mentioned. I have 40 books in my Third Reich library but after experiencing the path of our country I wanted to know what was unfolding. The time in Russia opened my eyes to so much of the propaganda and the brain washing I received. Russians are lovely people who seek love and happiness and peace. Hard to believe I know hahaha. Not that what I wrote is earth shaking but I do wish more people would read it … Americans are very ignorant about the world. I surely was until I traveled and spent time in ‘it’. Our egotistical individualistic ‘ugly American’ style will be our end I fear. Thank you for writing … I appreciate it.

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Sep 13Liked by Thomas Balistrieri, Ed.D.

Sir, I agree that old enemies and their imperialist nato allies threaten Murmansk but climate hysteria dilutes your message. There is no sea rise to fear. A quick search and I found this:

The relative sea level trend is 2.42 millimeters/year with a 95% confidence

interval of +/- 0.65 mm/yr based on monthly mean sea level data from

1952 to 2022 which is equivalent to a change of 0.79 feet in 100 years.


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Note I did not say sea-rise. Ice thaw. Because the ice is thawing Russia intends to create a fleet of ice breakers and create a path for shipping. The Suez will not be the only game in town.

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Sep 13Liked by Thomas Balistrieri, Ed.D.

I think many new routes are being cut in the artic circle and good for Russia if she is able to profit from these. Anything to help those who oppose nato and the evil empire.

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