Excellently said! "... Knowledge and understanding surpasses fame and fortune..." Being aware and wise, you will remain listening to the world, and try to answer the questions that are gripping the minds of those who have retained their analytical faculties and are trying to position themselves on the world’s chessboard.

Freedom certainly implies detachment, but also commitment, without expecting any other dividends than those brought by his good conscience and moral rectitude…

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Liberty and Justice for ALL Relationship Inter-connectivity with one another and all things. Kindness. Do you create or do you destroy? We have forgotten it ALL. And I truly do cry every day at the loss.

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We understand and share the distress of those like you who have retained their humanity and free will.

Let’s stay tuned to the world, in a great communion of free spirits across the planet. The great silent flock will eventually, perhaps, regain reason....

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The concept of committing genocide in the present moment to protect my people from a future genocide I'm convinced will occur based on past experience of having a genocide committed against my people is so morally abhorrent to me that I can't approach that concept with any degree of objectivity.

But here we are. With a genocide playing out in front of us based on that twisted concept of self defense.

To say I understand that plays against every fiber of my moral being, every shred of my humanity.

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