I’m surly no Scott Ritter, Matt Hoh, Michael Moore, Ralph Nader nor …. hell … the list of pundits and experts we all follow is quite lengthy. I’m just a simple retired professor of psychology who has spent a lifetime studying the psychology of Nazis, the holocaust, human nature and behavior. I’ve traveled quite a bit, have lived for brief periods of time and traveled in Russia, China, India and of course the USA. I don’t say much nor write books. I listen and read.
On August 26th I wrote a post about Mother Russia. Only 190 people gazed at the post. Seven comments. My audience is small but I wanted to explain the depth of those two words … Mother Russia … and all that those two words imply, mean and embody. Russian people LOVEEEEE Mother Russia. Russian people ARE Mother Russia. Putin, Stalin, Khrushchev, Marx whomever … they come and go. Mother Russia lives on.
Napoleon, Hitler, Ukraine, NATO the USA have tried or will try to conquer Mother Russia. It has never happened and will never happen. Even the weather works for Mother Russia. Mother Russia is a living being existing in the heart and soul of nearly every Russian.
American’s don’t understand this. We think we do. But we don’t. We can’t. BUT, Native Americans have two words as well, ‘The Mother’ or ‘My Mother’ referring to Mother Earth. Mother Earth is everything. Native American people will die and have died for The Mother. White people are ephemeral. The Mother is forever.
To Aboriginal Australians, The Mother, is everything. My Australian Aboriginal teacher Bobby McLeod said, “White people think they have defeated us. No. The White Man will kill himself with his ignorance and Dead Law. We are patient. When the White Man has killed himself we will return again.” Interesting heh?
That brings me to two other words, NEVER AGAIN. Never Again are two words that imply, mean and embody ‘something’ non-Jews and non-Zionists can ever in their wildest dream fathom. You. me, we may think we understand the meaning of Never Again. That is our hubris. That is our arrogance. That is our mistake.
Never Again means … refers to a philosophy..a knowing … a driving force … that Jews (and Zionists) will not EVER allow themselves to be victimized again. EVER. I repeat, those two words are a driving force.
Here is the most modern current example. The past month nearly every podcast has invited Johnson, Ritter, McGovern and other experts to offer their thoughts on Israel and the current Axis of Evil. To a person they stated, “If Israel believes they can win a war with Hezbollah they are deeply deluded. The IDF is exhausted, out-manned and out-weaponed.” They all kept repeating what each other was saying until they all believed it themselves.
Then the last 72 hours occurred. A ‘a pager attack’ planned ten years ago happened, taking out hundreds. Including Hezbollah leaders. Then, last night, Nasrallah was assassinated. A man who made a point of having no technology on his person. A man who was deep underground in a bunker system that would protect him, according to our American experts. But somehow MOSSAD knew his pattern, knew his weaknesses, knew when to and where to find him. And, in a ruthless attack that killed ‘innocents’ they were successful.
You see, the Chosen People, will not ever allow themselves to be massacred ever again, Never Again.
Our American experts have NO CONCEPT of Never Again! Surely the average American does not.
Never Again is embodied by thousands of people. Billions of dollars. Millions of hours of strategic thinking and planning. Never Again isn’t one man and will live long beyond the life span of Netanyahu. Never Again means Hezbollah never had a real chance. Never Again IS understood by Iran. Do you REALLY think Iran will seriously attack Israel? No. Never. Why? Because Never Again implies that if ‘Israel’ believes it will be eliminated then it will take the entire world along for the ride.
I’ll stop now. I doubt anyone will believe the psychologist that hasn’t even written a book and has never been invited to be on a podcast or TV and never will. But, but, knowledge and understanding surpasses fame and fortune. Americans had better wise up … we are in control of nothing. We have been told Israel needs us …. hahahaha.
And when a pissed off MAGA person writes and says, “Oh ya. We have ONE word in America… and that word is FREEDOM!!” I will respond in the following manner. Let me ask you … now don’t Google it … let me know your definition of FREEDOM.
And, I will bet you 100 dollars your definition is, “That I can do whatever I really want to do whenever I want to do it … except harm people. As long as I follow the law.”
That is NOT the definition of Freedom as intended.
Say the Pledge of Allegiance. There it is.
Excellently said! "... Knowledge and understanding surpasses fame and fortune..." Being aware and wise, you will remain listening to the world, and try to answer the questions that are gripping the minds of those who have retained their analytical faculties and are trying to position themselves on the world’s chessboard.
Freedom certainly implies detachment, but also commitment, without expecting any other dividends than those brought by his good conscience and moral rectitude…
The concept of committing genocide in the present moment to protect my people from a future genocide I'm convinced will occur based on past experience of having a genocide committed against my people is so morally abhorrent to me that I can't approach that concept with any degree of objectivity.
But here we are. With a genocide playing out in front of us based on that twisted concept of self defense.
To say I understand that plays against every fiber of my moral being, every shred of my humanity.