20 hrs agoLiked by Thomas Balistrieri, Ed.D.

Virtue, honor & morality are merely cipher in today’s lexicon. A progressive church like all other churches needs donations to survive and this might explain the pusillanimity exhibited. I do not know how a pastor cannot see her mission and congregation coming together to help stop the genocide. What cause could be more worthy?

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Not saying anything you do not already know… We are so steeped in separation … race, class, blue, red, female, male, Christian, non Christian that we have lost our humanity. And then there is greed. This past year when I conducted research on the holocaust and learned how American companies were involved I was dumbfounded. Realized how ignorant and naive I have been my entire life.

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I have made this realization anew nearly every week since last October. I feel embarassed to admit it wasn’t much much sooner.

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Same here.

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By the way Israel sold weapons to both sides, obviously their goal was killing Arabs

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20 hrs agoLiked by Thomas Balistrieri, Ed.D.

The theme and tone of this post and the Rumi poem, and the line “You were not made to live like brute beasts,” along with the illustration of the tree immediately recalled to me these lyrics from “Beware of Darkness.” I’m just going to leave them here.

Watch out now, take care

Beware of falling swingers

Dropping all around you

The pain that often mingles

In your fingertips

Beware of darkness

Watch out now, take care

Beware of the thoughts that linger

Winding up inside your head

The hopelessness around you

In the dead of night

Beware of sadness

It can hit you

It can hurt you

Make you sore and what is more

That is not what you are here for

Watch out now, take care

Beware of soft shoe shufflers

Dancing down the sidewalks

As each unconscious sufferer

Wanders aimlessly

Beware of Maya

Watch out now, take care

Beware of greedy leaders

They take you where you should not go

While Weeping Atlas Cedars

They just want to grow, grow and grow

Beware of darkness

– George Harrison

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That song is very haunting, I remember it well. Thank heavens for artists who can express the feelings and thoughts I, we, cannot. Thank you for commenting

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For Americans to make the transformation you are describing, Tom, they will first need to learn the difference between 'religion' and 'spirituality'. They are not the same. In fact the first usually slits the throat of the second. Over this past bloody year I cannot recall any supposed 'Christian' leaders speaking out against the US/Israel genocide. They will not only be silent in the coming war, they will offer up religious blessings for the industrialized killing.

Shortly after the genocide ramped up, I approached the pastor of a nearby 'progressive' church I would occasionally attend. The congregation is proud to host a small forest of Pride flags out front. I suggested we start up a "Peace & Justice" committee to learn about the history behind the genocide and discuss ways one might oppose the crime and perhaps even collectively take action. She was very nervous, saying it might upset Jewish people, but she would think about it and get back to me.

Needless to say, she never did. I occasionally see her in my small community. I always make sure to make eye contact with her and she skitters away nervously.

A well-respected member of the Christian clergy and she hasn't a clue what spirituality means. Just another good Nazi and when the time comes will bless the war. A true ghoul.

UPDATE: I saw the pastor today at my favorite coffee shop this afternoon. She gave me a nervous 'hello' then skipped away.

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