To all the indifferent, all the unworthy, impenitent self-indulgent or, sayanims patented, to all those unconscious imponderables who, from their ignorance, dig the grave that will bury us all... To all of them I wish that this face haunt your days and nights, until the end of your miserable lives!...
I feel the same. And at times dislike myself for becoming angry and intolerant. But then I look at all the Aseel’s. When this ‘conflict’ is over and this all becomes part of an ending news cycle… ASEEL will not be able to forget. 10’s of thousands of Aseel’s. Lord have mercy on us…or, maybe not.
All hegemonic leaders of empires of the past have become the most violent & horrific on humanity upon their ultimate demise. When all else fails to keep their grip on power over everyone in the world,they tend to turn inward towards the same gruesome violence towards their on populations. There are visible signs of this in the American empire at this moment in time.
Visible signs… the signs are flashing lights and still people would rather remain asleep. Freedoms lost, racism raging and idiotic … IDIOTIC … candidates running for president. I’m not referring to their politics. These two would known ‘politics’ if it bit them in the ass. This continues to be which cult has better media coverage? Which cult can make the other cult look more stupid? There is no actual debate of issues… what was the most celebrated moment of the last debate? A brilliant idea that was laid out? No, it was when Kamala non-verbally called Trump a motherfucker and/or the gotchya moment…’they are eating dogs. They are eating cats’ Good lord our country is in trouble.
Hmm. So some people have told you not to run such photos? Really. I guess they don't like to be reminded of their complicity in such state-sponsored terror. They are queasy about having to face the reality of the state making all these horrors possible is their state. That it is the people they have voted for, the tax money they pay, the mind-numbing media they are addicted to and their civic passivity that makes such grotesque inhumanity possible.
Yes, WE assaulted this precious little girl and all the hundreds of thousands killed, maimed, crippled and traumatized children abused by the fascist Israeli military using our weapons, Intel, money and diplomatic cover.
No wonder the cowards don't want to face that truth. That reality. Such cowardly complicity adds their own unique layer to their guilt. To their ACTIVE complicity.
I'm forwarding this to Sen. Tammy Baldwin's (D-WI) office. Now, I know she won't see it and even if she were to see it it would not turn her heart from AIPAC and JStreet and the other Zionist lobby groups that have bought what scrap of a soul a member of Congress might have. No, I will point out to the staffer that goes through the email from constituents that by working for the senator, THEY carry an extra level of guilt for precious Aseel's pain and loss.
Toughen up pansy-assed Americans. Face who we are.
Yes… I continue to find myself more and more isolated as people don’t want to talk about these things. And I’m not a Looney Tune who can only talk about these things and nothing else. When I ask the answer is; ‘What am I supposed to feel? I can’t do anything about this … so you just want me to feel bad?’ I’ve also had, ‘Just be happy Tom.’ Or the old, ‘I have my life. This is not my problem. I’m focusing on my family and my life.’ So, yes, denial and suppression are in vogue. If humans do come out the other side of this … history will not be kind to us.
Yet if one of those people were to have what happened to Aseel happen to a child in their family they would be outraged that the world didn't rise up to help.
Yes, we have the 'Karens and Joes' that have fits and call police if they spot a marginalized person in their midst, but ask them to witness what their money is doing... well then you're the one that shouldn't be in their midst.
Thanks for emphasizing this to attention, Thomas -- as I've said elsewhere and will repeat, the English language is lacking new words to sufficiently describe Judeo-Nazi depravity.
Depravity is quite descriptive and has a feel of darkness to it. But yes, how many times can one write the words massacre, macabre, evil, brutal, soulless, cuckold pedophiles, etc? But of course they never read these things so… yah, I don’t know. Make one person aware or change one person’ behavior …right? It is all I can hold onto sometimes
If my assessment of the broader story of humanity is correct, then I suppose "neo-Herodian" would be an all-encapsulating definitive marker of all those sadistic subset characteristics -- it's a universal pattern across society whenever the ill-minded moral reprobates gather into mobs and inflict pain on the weak solely because it is in their power to. While my own life sufferings in no wise are nearly comparable to i.e. that of the resilient Palestinians, *that* mentality manifested in the stonehearted face of demeaning cruelty -- remote from any guise of humanly compassion -- is one I've most definitely seen before and likely you can also relate to.
Unfortunately here in the "West," the majority of blinded masses take greater offense at a wrong fast food order than their taxpayer money funding the bombing of children.
To all the indifferent, all the unworthy, impenitent self-indulgent or, sayanims patented, to all those unconscious imponderables who, from their ignorance, dig the grave that will bury us all... To all of them I wish that this face haunt your days and nights, until the end of your miserable lives!...
I feel the same. And at times dislike myself for becoming angry and intolerant. But then I look at all the Aseel’s. When this ‘conflict’ is over and this all becomes part of an ending news cycle… ASEEL will not be able to forget. 10’s of thousands of Aseel’s. Lord have mercy on us…or, maybe not.
All hegemonic leaders of empires of the past have become the most violent & horrific on humanity upon their ultimate demise. When all else fails to keep their grip on power over everyone in the world,they tend to turn inward towards the same gruesome violence towards their on populations. There are visible signs of this in the American empire at this moment in time.
Visible signs… the signs are flashing lights and still people would rather remain asleep. Freedoms lost, racism raging and idiotic … IDIOTIC … candidates running for president. I’m not referring to their politics. These two would known ‘politics’ if it bit them in the ass. This continues to be which cult has better media coverage? Which cult can make the other cult look more stupid? There is no actual debate of issues… what was the most celebrated moment of the last debate? A brilliant idea that was laid out? No, it was when Kamala non-verbally called Trump a motherfucker and/or the gotchya moment…’they are eating dogs. They are eating cats’ Good lord our country is in trouble.
Hmm. So some people have told you not to run such photos? Really. I guess they don't like to be reminded of their complicity in such state-sponsored terror. They are queasy about having to face the reality of the state making all these horrors possible is their state. That it is the people they have voted for, the tax money they pay, the mind-numbing media they are addicted to and their civic passivity that makes such grotesque inhumanity possible.
Yes, WE assaulted this precious little girl and all the hundreds of thousands killed, maimed, crippled and traumatized children abused by the fascist Israeli military using our weapons, Intel, money and diplomatic cover.
No wonder the cowards don't want to face that truth. That reality. Such cowardly complicity adds their own unique layer to their guilt. To their ACTIVE complicity.
I'm forwarding this to Sen. Tammy Baldwin's (D-WI) office. Now, I know she won't see it and even if she were to see it it would not turn her heart from AIPAC and JStreet and the other Zionist lobby groups that have bought what scrap of a soul a member of Congress might have. No, I will point out to the staffer that goes through the email from constituents that by working for the senator, THEY carry an extra level of guilt for precious Aseel's pain and loss.
Toughen up pansy-assed Americans. Face who we are.
Yes… I continue to find myself more and more isolated as people don’t want to talk about these things. And I’m not a Looney Tune who can only talk about these things and nothing else. When I ask the answer is; ‘What am I supposed to feel? I can’t do anything about this … so you just want me to feel bad?’ I’ve also had, ‘Just be happy Tom.’ Or the old, ‘I have my life. This is not my problem. I’m focusing on my family and my life.’ So, yes, denial and suppression are in vogue. If humans do come out the other side of this … history will not be kind to us.
Yet if one of those people were to have what happened to Aseel happen to a child in their family they would be outraged that the world didn't rise up to help.
Yes, we have the 'Karens and Joes' that have fits and call police if they spot a marginalized person in their midst, but ask them to witness what their money is doing... well then you're the one that shouldn't be in their midst.
Odd world
Thanks for emphasizing this to attention, Thomas -- as I've said elsewhere and will repeat, the English language is lacking new words to sufficiently describe Judeo-Nazi depravity.
Depravity is quite descriptive and has a feel of darkness to it. But yes, how many times can one write the words massacre, macabre, evil, brutal, soulless, cuckold pedophiles, etc? But of course they never read these things so… yah, I don’t know. Make one person aware or change one person’ behavior …right? It is all I can hold onto sometimes
If my assessment of the broader story of humanity is correct, then I suppose "neo-Herodian" would be an all-encapsulating definitive marker of all those sadistic subset characteristics -- it's a universal pattern across society whenever the ill-minded moral reprobates gather into mobs and inflict pain on the weak solely because it is in their power to. While my own life sufferings in no wise are nearly comparable to i.e. that of the resilient Palestinians, *that* mentality manifested in the stonehearted face of demeaning cruelty -- remote from any guise of humanly compassion -- is one I've most definitely seen before and likely you can also relate to.
Unfortunately here in the "West," the majority of blinded masses take greater offense at a wrong fast food order than their taxpayer money funding the bombing of children.
From all the comments and reactions it proves once again, “ A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS”
I agree. The horror won’t end. For Aseel it may never end… the PTSD alone at that age. I’m filled with sorrow this morning.