The evidence is all around us. Piling up in the heaps of the dead and mangled in Gaza and our repeated delivery of cargo planes of 2,000-lb bombs to Israel. It is embodied in the creeping desertification of land and the bleaching of coral beds. The toll is present in every public space I enter where couples -- whole families -- are sitting in silence, glued to their phones. The stink of rot and evil is evident throughout our world. We are warned but not awake.

I just watched news interviews with Sec. of War Lloyd Austin, Sec. of State Tony Blinken and comments about Sen. Tom Cotton. Austin's body language was like blinking neon lights advertising his lying. Ghould like these are the clergy of evil. They too, are evidence before us.

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It's hard to comment on a post like this but if I don't it looks like I don't care about what you have written. I do care. I am grateful that you are one of the very few people courageous enough to acknowledge and confront the dark. Yes I do see it. One day we will sit on a bench or better still around a good fire and laugh and laugh and laugh.


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