
Which reservation and whose dance? Thank you for your prayer and sacrifice. The Sun Dance is such a point of true centeredness … the true axis mundi for four days. After I received yuwipi one of my Lakota elders guided me in this way, ‘You shouldn’t dance anymore because the yuwipi is now your dance.’ I miss dancing and I also understand her guidance. But we do this because we choose… and we must never forget that. During the hottest round to remember Waniktacha lecamu welo. We do this so that our relatives may live. Again, wopila for your life and your dance

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My substack url is "amillionmarchtogaza", because way back in December I intended to organise just that ... Until the infeasibility of the venture dawned on me. Later, in March, I decided I would go alone - a one woman pilgrimage. If I'd left then I'd still be walking now.

Point being, I feel your pain!

But there is something we in the west could do to bring an end to this horror. It's ambitious, audacious and - if it catches on - possible! Above all it (or something else?) is necessary! https://amillionmarchtogaza.substack.com/p/think-outside-the-box-live-outside?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web

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How I understand these feelings of shame, rage and helplessness in the face of the unbearable, unimaginable horror we are witnessing, and the complicity of those who allow the power to be brought to the sick who satisfy their warlike and genocidal impulses.

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In a couple of weeks I Will be making my annual pilgrimage to the Rez and we will be praying for 4+4 days, sacrificing and dancing wiwang wacipi. I will be carrying these prayers of which you write (and many others) to the relative who stands in the center, and sending what healing energy I can muster out into the whole universe. I hope.. no I Know some of our intentions and actions will reach you and the rest of All Our Relations. Peace to you my brother, and keep up the amazing work.

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It’s too horrific even to see the image! How terrifying must be the actual reality!

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