
I didn’t reply quickly because such a meaningful and appreciated comment deserves time and thought. I’ve decided that anything I say or comment on regarding your comment is unnecessary except to say thank you for your care and humanity. I take your suggestions seriously. Much affection

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Aug 19Liked by Thomas Balistrieri, Ed.D.

Thomas, I have no doubt whatsoever that both Meeropol and Holiday would approve. I certainly do! I've seen the photos, heard the song, read the words (both versions). Tears flow, blood boils. Thanks for sharing (and creating!). I concur: Burn in hell Israeli and American ZioNazis (Biden, Manufacturers and Congress)

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Thank you for your kind comment. It means more than you might realize.

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Aug 19Liked by Thomas Balistrieri, Ed.D.

Any musicians out there? If so, pick it up and bring it to the people.

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I’m not sleeping anymore… for we old people that does t help our march toward dementia. Maybe dementia would be less painful than having to live in this world anymore.

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Oh, Thomas, no. I do sleep, though I barely slept for 20 years prior, but then I found THC. Dementia is horrible, my partner worked as an RN and destroyed his brain through eating junk (at home we have superlative food and supplements); he's continuing the self-destruction and is also working hard at destroying me. We NEED people like you, we NEED people who have hearts and brains so badly.

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Dear Thomas,

The mind and it’s memory of catalogued files is certainly a jungle; as you well know by now. The overgrowth at the core and perimeter can be tamed with proper pruning. Tamed and purified, absolutely....stopped? Not!!!! The unruly child will eventually do what it is won’t to do.

But, never forget this most valuable point. You were created for this time; and therefore, you most certainly are able to manage every bit of the weird that these despicable behaviors and the thoughts they want to manifest continue... unabated. You are needed at the present moment to manifest the truth and create it’s voice that wants to speak out, to be revelatory for all the eyes that have yet to behold the oddity of such strange false appearances. To serve their tongues a taste of the bitter ignorance they offer up towards the suffering of their fellow travelers upon this ship of fools.

Never give up standing up!

Take some time to get quiet every day. I recommend at least once, preferably for me it’s more. If you are not yet accustomed to meditation, and some breathing exercises; I suggest you ask in silence for your Soul to lead you to a tutorial on YouTube for some simple directions. The Soul will guide you as it always does (and that’s the fun of it’s presence, it always cares) remember this... the Soul is why you care so deeply about your shared connections to those who are in need. It’s the most constant virtuous companion that never will speak falsely or lead you astray; the Soul cares most deeply for your well being.

One more note about the partnership of the Divine Soul; it’s the seat of intuitive reception that will be there in the stillness to massage your war weary heart and remind you of the love that you share is also meant for you.

This journey we are on is just getting started and whether it’s cease fire-truce-no more war- the real life struggles that still lie hidden; and have yet to be realized for the Palestinian will not be easily tended. There’s much to do and you can do this; we all can... because we know our heart nature and love is never defeated... it’s the strongest force in this creation. We must all apply it liberally. You sir are a beautiful Soul... hope this is of some assistance.✌🏼❤️🙏🕉

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