
Like Kali ma’s necklace of skulls…. Internal demons beheaded not people out there

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Yes… especially a myth involving genocide.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Liked by Thomas Balistrieri, Ed.D.

I heard tell that ye Normans treated my folk most harshly a thousand years back & ye romans likewise a thousand years before that. So I think then it proper that I should seek vengeance on ye decendants of these? Suche nonsense & immaturity doth not become ye divine spirit that dwelleth within our heart! I say grow up netandyahoo! Should we spend all time seeking vengence for things done centuries past? Do I bee at fault for crimes of my forbears? Doth any person bee at fault for suche? Vengence bee not a service to ye goodeness of humankinde. It leadeth only to more vengence! This netandyahoo bee a fool & a childe if suche bee his true thinking!

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Yee are clever

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Jun 15Liked by Thomas Balistrieri, Ed.D.

Thank you. This is a very interesting piece. Fwiw, in the (Russian) Orthodox Church, “amalek” in passages like that are taken to refer to one’s own sinfulness. And one should definitely try to destroy one’s sinfulness. Which includes, needless say say, the practice of killing women and kids. None of that stuff is taken to be a basis for “policy”. (The Russian Orthodox consider Christian Zionism a heresy.)

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Jun 16Liked by Thomas Balistrieri, Ed.D.

For fuck’s sake, it’s the goddamn Old Testament, people. It’s a collection of bullshit stories and legends the ancient Hebrew’s made up or stole from other people. It’s prominent among the world’s most stupid works of literature. As mean spirited, hateful, racist, misogynist, pedophiliac and awful as the Israelis of today - so if they are treating it as some sort of revealed truth, then you can see the consequences of that playing out right in front of our noses. There are lies, damn lies, and then there’s the Bible. Let’s keep it real.

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The worlds most stupid work of literature Well said Yet, Netanyahu using it as his reason for murder

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Jun 17Liked by Thomas Balistrieri, Ed.D.

Well that’s because Benjamin Netanyahu is prominent among the world’s most stupid leaders, so naturally he would be taking his policies from the OT. It’s as though the Chancellor of Germany was formulating policy on Grimm’s Fairy Tales, isn’t it? Ludicrous and preposterous - but such is the age we live in. He said it to whistle up support among the settler trash and right wing religious nut cases with whom such a reference was bound to resonate. I have read the Bible 3 times, and for the life of me I don’t understand what anyone who is a Christian finds relevant about the OT. It is one long tale of woe, betrayal, murder, attempted murder, death, rapine, and destruction occasionally spiced up with some eroticism. It’s a frankly manual for life - but then most of the ancient texts are not worth the time and effort it took to think them up and write them down. I can hardly think of a more damnable book than the OT. The misery it has caused everyone, except a privileged few charged with keeping it, interpreting it, and disseminating it to the rubes.

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Could not agree more … and you have seen the wisdom in reading and knowing the Bible… it tells us what will happen next. The Christian ‘The Art of War’ But in the Bible there is little strategy … it is all about violence and deprecation and fear. And they sang, Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me Hahaha

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Thank you for your reply… I love hearing from people who have a perspective based on research, reading, critical thinking and have a heart and soul intact

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The movies from the 50’s sure made him seem like a trickster magician. Nothing up my robe

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but bibi genocide master is not alone in this age-old racket, as messenger, messiah, hand-of-god, alalek doom-balls. Every psychopath mass murderer believes he is chosen and or gifted.

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Except for Trump. No, wait. Damn you are right

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Jun 15·edited Jun 16

While the Bible is interesting culturally, it is not history. It’s a collection of myths. The myths are not worldwide. Other parts of the world have their own foundational myths. It is unacceptable that geopolitical decisions are made based on the very specific myths of a very specific religion. While Netanyahu may think what he’s saying about Amelek and co is global and universal, it’s not. It’s absurd that any “world leader” quotes form a religious text as some type of explanation for the actions of his army. It would be laughable if the situation wasn’t so dire for the Palestinians.

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According to the book they wrote:

Moses was an Egyptian who self-ID'd as a Hebrew.

The way I see it is Moses adopted a Hebrew identity in much the same way Netanyahu does.

Some believe that Moses himself was a Kabbalist magician and that he was born to fulfil a mission. He was cousin to the Pharaoh, and he was a descendent of a great Chaldean magician - none other than Abraham. His Kabbalist credentials are disputed of course.

Moses is credited with performing magical acts: "Moses and Aaron, for example, are celebrated for performing tricks that the Egyptian magicians could not match. The supernatural actions of Israelites–whose source of power is God–are welcomed; the actions of outsiders–whose power comes from sorcery–are derided."

..but Moses was not an Israelite.

Jewish Attitudes Toward Magic:


Moses, the Great Kabbalist and Alchemist Magi:


Raised as an Egyptian, How Does Moses Come to Identify as a Hebrew?


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