
Fiona thank you for your subscription… the 5 bucks keeps me in books!! I hope you are well… let me know how the internship is going.

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Good morning … yes, a frightening reality that the RNC and DNC have such power. Time to take back the power

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I am awed by the brave and inspired people of the 1930’s-1960’s who evaluated their situation… and created new ways of thinking and seeing the world. Thank you for commenting

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Thank you for sharing this information. I’m making a concerted effort to find treatises by various scientists and authors and practioners of the 40’- 60’s. Because of their exposure to the war it seems their work is particularly valuable. Again, thank you

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It seems that we humans are more susceptible to collective thought and group hypnosis and ‘sheeplesDom’ than I ever imagined. And I taught psychology at the graduate and undergraduate level hah!!

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Wow Mark… thank you. More to read and watch!! I feel my life has been a sham. What I was taught in school all mind control bullshit. I’m waking up late in life but at least I’m waking up

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And let's keep in mind that in Operation Paperclip the CIA worked feverishly to bring Nazi officials and officers into the United States and sprinkle them throughout the military industrial complex (MIC). Many were scientists -- like Werhner von Braun -- who was instrumental in NASA's race to the moon. But there were other, quieter imports; many specialized in intelligence operations, torture and mind control. MKULTRA was a CIA operation that included mass killer Charlie Manson and his band of LSD-dropping hippies. The CIA ran a free "health clinic" in the Haight Ashbury capital of the 1960s hippie movement that actively experimented on unsuspecting victims. Unabomber Ted Kaczynski

was an unwitting victim of a CIA thought control experiment at Harvard University where he was a brilliant young 16 year-old student. As with all the victims of CIA thought control and drug control experiments, the young Kaczynski did not know he was an experiment subject/victim.

Tom O'Neil's excellent book "Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties" chronicles the depraved criminality of the CIA. Joe Rogan did an amazing three-hour interview with O'Neil that every American should watch to better understand the larger mind f*cKerry we are all victims of in this nation.

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Thanks Mark

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Thank you for sharing this book, I look forward to getting it and reading alongside you!!

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Joost Meerloo was ahead of his time.

If you gravitated to _Rape of the Mind_, perhaps you would find these other titles also to your liking. You'll especially want to check out _Delusion and Mass Delusion_ (1949), which is available on Internet Archive (https://archive.org/details/DelusionAndMassDelusion-ByAMMeerloo).

Personally, I just finished _Total War and the Human Mind_ (1945), also available on Internet Archive (https://archive.org/details/totalwarandthehu017796mbp). This deals with the effects of totalitarianism on an occupied people (he specifically was speaking of the Netherlands). It is strangely timely and I'm currently in the middle of transcribing sections by hand into a notebook for later reference.

Meerloo also wrote about menticide in "Pavlovian Strategy as a Weapon of Menticide" in the American Journal of Psychiatry in 1954. It can be found here: https://sci-hub.ru/10.1176/ajp.110.11.809

It's hard to reference Meerloo these days, because he invested so heavily in understanding concepts that have since gone by the wayside in terms of being taken seriously. However, he was incredibly insightful, and I'm glad that you have run into his work.

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Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I look forward to reading this book. It sounds like it will be a good addition to my understanding of Mattias Desmet's work on Mass Formation!

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Why you ask??? Because violence, oppression is woven into the fabric of our DNA. As I’m preparing to present to Indigenous Women from all o er the world regarding overcoming our oppression the Ancestors said “you have to understand the history but most importantly you have to get the life of the historical oppressors out of your head.” For me this was mainly the white man and the Drunk Indian Man. It’s in there everyday but last week it was removed from my head. This stuff has been inside us for A LONG TIME but so has the beauty, the strength, resiliency, integrity, honor of our culture and ways. It’s a challenge everyday to bring this out and because I also work in the masculine community of medicine (white men rule) it’s hard to keep doing the work so at best I just stay in the game. Take the bumps and bruises…listen with both ears, learn and don’t expect anything, but put my heart in everything. Thanks for the lesson in this topic.

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Survival needs and complimentary behaviors are woven into our DNA but I do not believe that violence is. I'd like to suggest NOT creating more unnecessary division by the derisive use of the generalized moniker 'white men' ... but instead be more precise and state 'uninitiated white men'. There is no doubt that uninitiated white men have wreaked havoc on the world massacring millions and destroying Mother Nature. The world is ripe with us vs them. My impression is that you are angry but your anger only creates more divisions when Tiospaye's need to work together not be split apart by impulsive misplaced anger. We need wisdom now. Not ego based anger that reignites the anger in others. If you are indeed teaching a group of Indigenous women about releasing themselves from Oppressors then I suggest you not demonize the oppressor but explain the psychology of the oppressor. This book, The Rape of the Mind explains how the oppression is manifested. There are enough oppressors in the world. Be wiser than them.

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Jun 21Liked by Thomas Balistrieri, Ed.D.

The current Genocide in Gaza makes me very angry. I have to be very careful with my thoughts and comments, so I don't lose myself in the rage. I've noticed that a lot of "oppressed" groups allow their rage to dilute their credibility and distract from their message. I do not want to lose my focus through the lens of rage.

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I try to return to the wisdom of Dag Hammarskold, ‘with every thought, every word, every action… are you creating or destroying?’ I fail too often but I’m trying to live that Sattvic life of creating

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Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Thomas.

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Keep in mind that both the DNC and the RNC are private corporations with the legal rights to choose whom they want us to vote for as POTUS.

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