Jul 30Liked by Thomas Balistrieri, Ed.D.

And let us be clear, my good fellow Americans: WE provide the Israelis with the "stick".

WE pay for the 2,000-pound bombs dropped on defenseless refugees huddled with their children in tents and cardboard shelters. WE provide the bullets used by snipers to intentionally cause head wounds in children. WE helped destroy the water and sanitation facilities that has now led to a spreading outbreak of polio.

The known crimes of a psychopath like Israel is bad enough , but what is even worse is when someone intentionally puts the weapons in the hands of the psychopath, lies to protect the psychopath and hands him an endless stream of cash as reward and encouragement for his sick crimes.

WE are worse than psychopaths. Our soul is not merely sick, it is dead. All of that was on full display with the corporate Congress as they gave Netanyahu a tongue bath. And let us be clear, the 100 or so who did not attend have pretty much voted to approve all funding for Israel's war of sick criminality.

Here is a footnote to the story Tom has outlined: "Far-Right Israelis Mob Bases After Soldiers Arrested for Allegedly Raping Palestinian".

But wait -- as is always true with Israel and our participation in the genocide -- it gets worse: "Several Israeli lawmakers and one minister took part in the attempt to free the nine reservists, who were hailed as heroes by multiple Cabinet members."


As bad and evil as they are, WE are worse.

Far worse.

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It’s a total calamity. This is a disgraceful government in every sense of the word. Israel is an abhorrent project in every aspect possible.

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Netanyahu and the Congressional “supporters”-with the sole exception of Rashida Tlaib-are no better than dog shit on my shoe…a complete and total travesty…

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Hey, wait a second ... that's a pretty nasty comparison to dog shit. I mean, at least with dog shit you usually avoid it and you can wipe it off, but these congressional goons last forever on AIPAC payoffs.

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Jul 30Liked by Thomas Balistrieri, Ed.D.

After learning so much of the unabated abuse Palestinians have endured since 1949, I understand where Hamas is coming from and won’t be lectured that if I don’t condemn Hamas I side with terrorists. If the aggressor was Russia, Venezuela, Iran, or any of couple of dozen countries under US sanctions, Hamas fighters would be called freedom fighters. Our shameless double standard.

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Some even refer to Hamas as the Palestinian Defense Force. And why not? How much can anyone take before they respond? (The problem with locking two Doberman Pincers in a closet is… At some point you have to open the door)

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have never, and will never, “condemn Hamas.” Unlike most American politicians, I’ve read their charter - both the original charter from the early 90s and the most recent charter. Both charters are clearly written from the defensive stance, rightly regarding Israel as an offensive, invading force. The Palestinians have the right to defend themselves. Hamas is the only organization doing that defense. If there were another solution, based on the conversations I’ve had with my Palestinian and Palestinian-descended former colleagues, the Palestinians would use the solution. It’s not difficult to understand.

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Thanks, Laura. Couldn’t agree with you more. Our politicians are either ignorant or mask their ignorance to please their AIPAC nannies. It strikes me the scarcity of folks that are unable to state the obvious that Hamas has a legitimate to protect their brethren.

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The US talks “peace” with one hand while the other sends arms and money…

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I suppose it is … my naive hopeful self has deteriorated immensely. Only took 73 years.

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I understand And my mind only quiets when I research and write. But vicarious ptsd is real

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I picture Zionists as mean children saying, “We called it first . You are the terrorists!!” Weird world

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Thank you for your heartfelt comment

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As much as I appreciate Substack, for the sake of my mental health I have to limit reading pieces like this; a little bit of my soul withers and dies each time…

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It’s a RED HOT IRON ROD or Electrified Cattle Prod ~


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Colonialism is evil and sadly eternal.

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