
Thank you Ginge

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May 21Liked by Thomas Balistrieri, Ed.D.

Also in the Social Security doldrums, and an admirer of Hedges and others. Chris's work occupies substantial space on my shelves, but I miss engagement with his paid subscribers. Restacking as a means of comment doesn't fill in for that.

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There are so many now we can’t comment unless paid. Maybe SubStack will modify this rule. Like you, feeling outside of the discussion now. Love Hedges and Moore and and and … nickel and dimed out of life

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May 24Liked by Thomas Balistrieri, Ed.D.

100% it's disheartening to see how many already successful people still leave their comments locked. I can understand why they might want to limit comments to subscribers, sure, but if only paid subscribers can comment it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

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Yup Everything is about money and more and more of us don’t have much.

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Your comment is very heartfelt. I’ve been on here for three years and have never made it. I think I get 14 dollars from writing three days a week. Granted I’m not a professional writer but … . Once many of the big time people moved to Substack the ‘lack of oxygen’ was palpable. I cannot afford 5 bucks a month lest 8 or whatever. Such is life. I do hope things work out for you

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OTH, I want to stay informed and read interesting things, but I can't afford to pay subscription to everyone. I think at this crucial moment in history, if you believe you can contribute to the enlightenment and salvation of humankind you OUGHT to offer it for free, and trust/hope that whoever appreciates your input and can spare a buck, will do so.

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I have no illusions about the value of my comments, but like playing the bench in basketball; everyone wants some floor time.

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I hear ya. I had no idea it would be this difficult to "make it" on Substack. I often wonder if I should just ditch it, or do my own thing, especially when there are sub-standard writers here making a killing posting recipes or droning on about whatever. They're savvy enough to get a huge following so I shouldn't begrudge them.

I would love to crank out one essay/column per week but I wonder if I could get enough paid subs to cover rent or groceries? The math doesn't look good.

There are serious impediments even for seasoned writers who don't happen to be well known. One is the email newsletter format itself. If people don't subscribe, you have to hand hold them to click "Let me check it out first." Do people have the attention span these days to even do that much?

On the other hand, if you have your own website, you simply share a link and anyone can see it, like the old days. Share it everywhere, and get a following organically. I'm tempted.

Another challenge is, as you've mentioned, the fact we are competing against those who arrived with huge, established followings and they're taking up all the oxygen. I comment all the time on Taibbi's stack but I'm just another blip among the hundreds of comments.

I also pay Hersh and Laura K (out of the UK - she's absolutely brilliant in her parody writing and worth every pound sterling). But yeah, who can afford to pay when we're struggling to make a buck?

I have yet to go paid here, as I consider what to do. In the meantime Buy Me a Coffee has helped a bit. You may want to look into that yourself. Some of my regular readers contribute regularly in that way, sometimes even 5 or 10 coffees at a time :-)

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