
Elaine I had the same thoughts and fears. Every day I spend hours reading about the history and the current events of and in Palestine. Every day try to learn more about and connect the dots of fascism, Zionism, WW1 and WW2 on and on. Trying to make sense of violence, people and God. I need it all to make sense. Nothing makes sense. How many have died? Why? It has to make sense right? Or, is it all just chaos and human nature and nurture? That there is no God, no Allah no nothing but shitty humans preying upon one another out of greed, lies, stealing, love of violence and lust? Forgive me, I’m having a dark morning.

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Scientifically speaking, 95% of the universe is invisible "dark" energy and matter combined, good indication of "something else". Considering that there have been millions of near death experiences reported to NIH since cardiac resuscitation came about in the 1950s, the consensus is that death is not the end, death is painless and on the other side which is our "true home", we are "super alive", and surrounded by unconditional love, peace, joy, knowledge and power out human minds can't even begin to imagine. But we will also experience all of our actions from others point of view who we have hurt or helped... actual karma. No one has ever proven the brain produces consciousness, called "the hard problem" in science. more likely, our brains act like a receiver of consciousness, sort of like a television set or radio. These kleptocrat death cult leader fascists have been attempting to destroy culture while profiting from endless wars. In the end, I think they will realize they've been winning at the wrong game.

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Thank you for your thoughtful comment. Gives me a headache. I’d take a Bayer Aspirin except …..

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Thank you for the thoughtful extended comment. I love the discussions. And, I happen to agree with your vision of what is next when we transition.

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𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙩𝙧𝙞𝙫𝙞𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙯𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙤𝙛 𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙡 𝙗𝙮 𝙞𝙩𝙨 𝙘𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙞𝙯𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣

It is indeed frightening to see such horrors in the 21st century.

After the filthy butchers of the First and Second World Wars, was it not said, after the war « never again”? It is clear that evil is in us. The beast is there, lying dormant, ready to be unleashed by circumstances and mechanisms perfectly mastered by those who hold power, and, in this case, by those who master the tools of propaganda, the making of consent and the shaping of minds.

There are, of course, within societies deviant subjects, suffering from more or less severe personality disorders, or even more or less developed psychotic traits that only await catalysts, events, individual or collective dramas, to develop, to spread and to communicate to a whole gregarious, assured of escaping any notion of responsibility, or guilt by dilution in the mass.

This «trivialization» is frightening as to the horrors to which it can lead.

Whether it is the massacres ( limiting ourselves to these)that occurred during the Second World War, the Korean War, Vietnam, Cambodia, Rwanda, Iraq, or the ongoing massacres in Palestine.

This list is of course not exhaustive, and we do not forget the Indians of America, the Aborigines of Australia, the Herero and the Nama in Namibia, the Armenian genocide, nor even the free carnage of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945.

Beyond the proven perversion of some of the actors of these atrocities, the rest of the participants succumb to the contagion, to the gratuitousness of the act and avoid the responsibility as they benefit from impunity that confers to him the collectivisation of the act. It is obvious that the authorities, when they are not at the origin of clear and precise written or propagated orders, tolerate or even encourage these behaviors by limiting their diffusion, or by masking them, while assuring their perpetrators total impunity or even praise and congratulations.

All this is the fruit of a long process of formating society, undertaken since childhood, and aimed at reducing, dehumanizing, reducing «the Other» to an execrable, infra-human, infra-animal dimension that opens the way, therefore, to the worst abuses.

Here we are at the gates of Hell, at the gates of this collective sociopathy that affects entire populations blinded by ignorance, hatred and resentment, making it possible to support, "morally" the worst abuses, and trampling on moral values and any consideration for legality and ethics.

Isn’t that what we’re seeing in Palestine?

With the tumult caused by the conflict in Ukraine, the «nuclear» Iranian, the turmoil in the China Sea, the upcoming presidential elections in the USA, Israel cleverly orchestrated the uprising of the Gaza ghetto of October 7, 2023 to make a significant advance in resolving, in its own way, the problem of the occupation of the land of Israel by a significant and disturbing number of human animals claiming to be Palestinians!

A slow work of trivialization of abuses against indigenous populations has continued since 1948, interspersed with upheavals and exacerbations, massacres and destruction, culminating in a apotheosis of savagery and sordid revenge.

The actors in the field, the perpetrators of these abuses are not even aware of the horror they cause, and they are also applauded and congratulated by their hierarchy and by the population in general.

The hideous face of Zionism has appeared in its true light, and more and more people around the world have become aware of it.

No, the Einsatzgruppen and Eichman do not have any form of exclusivity, what can be expected when the wheat and tares are deliberately mixed, and let us not forget…. rot begins with the head and then becomes uncontrollable…

The executors are not, after all, only good and obedient executioners as were all the executioners and crypto-executioners of World War II.

The main responsibility always lies with the initiators, with those who intellectualize the project and instill it in minds predisposed or contaminated by propaganda…

It should also be emphasized that the beast that is initially nourished and strengthened as a commensal, develops and ends up taking the upper hand almost irreversibly, on the host, who, now turns into a vassal totally enslaved.

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TotalitarianFascism THRIVES in “The Land of the Free”

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Germany was broke at the end of World War I and you can't build standing armies and autobahns without capital. A lot of people are surprised to find out who funded Hitler and the Nazis: Union Bank, Prescott Bush, Herbert Walker, Dulles brothers, Montague Norman and other western bankers, industrialists and royals. they hired Hitler in order to stave off popular uprisings like the Bolshevik revolution, and into profit handsomely from the slave labor operations called concentration camps. Ford, IBM, AT&T and Coca-Cola among others all gave Hitler their latest technology. US taxpayers covered the costs of defeating Germany in the end. We are all victims of a totalitarian con. In the end, these financial criminals are going to realize they're winning at the wrong game.

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Israel is hell…….. Putin should melt it ! Fuck the Israelis to hell!

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The thought of all those ‘lone’soldiers with only indoctrinators influencing them is really disturbing. The Palestinians are at their mercy and it doesn’t bode well for them. Where are the men and women with integrity and compassion in our governments to stop this daily slaughter? Will these young men ever realise they are being groomed to carry out these atrocities? And will the ones that do it with glee ever face justice? One can only hope.

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Thanks for your dedication to the research. To immerse in this stuff is not easy for anyone's psyche. But thankyou, more so, for sharing it. This is a major part of the discussion we need. No, "part" is the wrong word, it's too cold and abstract. We are craving discussions that reach in and offer a hand to our souls; that say, I see you, we are ancient, all is not lost, let us stand still for a moment. Let us take one step towards goodness, so goodness can us see us, and come home to us. Relieved.

As you say, we are all kin. Oh god, that memory is sooo close.

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