Sep 21Liked by Thomas Balistrieri, Ed.D.

Apples, oranges, hand grenades.

One of the major reasons we are involved in this genocide and all our past failed wars is because the media -- the Fourth Estate envisioned by the founders as THE essential defender of Free Speech -- is not doing their job. They have always been complicit, but now they take an active role in promoting war, distorting truth, ignoring history and taking advertising dollars from the very corporations profiting off our wars and obscene war crimes.

As a one-time print journalist, I left the profession with all my illusions erased. While journalists and many news companies still do occasional good work, as a whole the industry is failing their responsibility, the nation and humanity.

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Sep 21Liked by Thomas Balistrieri, Ed.D.

You are right Thomas that the same questions and guests are repeated. And I do listen to them for their expertise and for the actual news. May be the intention of the interviewer is to get differing opinions but they all agree to the same thing ( one exception was Dr. Gilbert Doctorow yesterday when he differed the opinion of the others) So it does become redundant. Each interview needs to stand differently with differing questions. I must say though thanks to the Judge and others we are having an alternative to the mouthpieces.

Thanks for the tip on the Canadian Prepper. Shall definitely tune into him.

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Sep 22Liked by Thomas Balistrieri, Ed.D.

Wow, what a spot-on piece, @Thomas...you have very much opened my eyes to a behaviour I hadn't even considered in myself, in between congratulating myself for waking up and seeking out real news! I had fallen into the trap of looking less for new points of view, of listening too much to same voices (many from the same sources you mention, too) and not seeing the echo-chamber that can still represent...interesting!

I do love substack for still being one of those rare places that allows you to tumble from writer to writer, from viewpoint to viewpoint, and find something new! Thank you (and will definitely look into the Canadian Prepper too 👍🏻)

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Thank you for your comments. We all write and hope someone has taken something worthwhile away upon completion.

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Sep 21Liked by Thomas Balistrieri, Ed.D.

Very incisive post, Thomas. So on point. All of these insubstantial, interchangeable, meaningless interviews. Performances for the public. And the lack of critical thinking on the part of both interviewers and interviewees, the closed-ended questions, the lack of follow-up, the pathetic dreck......

Thanks for this timely contribution (and for teaching me a new word!).


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Acedia is a pandemic in USA. Despair that is spiritual in nature not emotional. Medications don’t work on this kind of sadness. I’ll do a post on it again. Thank you for writing

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