
Actually yes, Maria Anna Schicklgruber

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No I haven’t … but it’s in my stack of 400 books to read!!! It is like the wisdom of the originators in our field, linked with modern knowledge and science, is creating ‘new’ psychology. I loathe being 73 because I feel like I’m just beginning to wake up. But society has retired me and thrown the old white male professor away. I live week to week now on SS and think about my past… how I tied money to success… so felt a bit unsuccessful. Fascinating how we take in the stories people place upon us… we make them our own. Tonight’s debate… will be a storytelling session. I wish Americans would be awake enough to really hear what is being said. How we are all brainwashed by the politicians who actually know so little. But we measure by their money and thus their power. Instead of measuring them by character and integrity and kindness and love. Ag well. Next life Thank you for writing … it means more than you know. Tom

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The Zionists know the value of mind manipulation. Propaganda is high on their priorities as it was for the Nazis. Now they use bots and the like to leave comments on posts trying to control the narrative in their favour. The more people realise this the less power they will have.

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I'm 9 years old, and in the 2nd grade, our teacher, Miss Walkontopofcowpie, gave us an assignment to write a report on Hitler ancestery. Does anybody happen to know here on the Stack know who Hitler's real grandmother was🤣😎?


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Thanks. I've read Desmet's work and I'm about to dig into Dr. Meerloo's book on my Kindle.

Have you looked into Dr. McGilchrist's work on brain hemispheres and how recent asymmetrical development contributes to the insanity we are seeing in individual and group behaviors? It was a great addition to the work on Mass Formation. I'm hoping Meerloo clarifies and expands on the topic even further!

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