My dear friend of over 20 year’s, Mark Taylor ( on SubStack) and I have an unspoken pact of reading two to three books a week, multiple articles and listing to hours of podcasts and then calling one another (Wisconsin/Massachusetts) to discuss and make sense of what we have learned. You would LOVE our discussions! I share that because you MUST subscribe to Mark’s SubStack. His political cartoons are brilliant.
I just completed the book, The Villa. The Lake. The Meeting. Wannsee and the Final Solution, (Roseman, 2002). The readers on SubStack are particularly well read and conduct research with ease so I do not feel the need to explain Wannsee. But what shocked me to the core was, once again, the repeating of history. And if only our ‘leaders’ were required to be well read w might not be repeating history.
That said, below I share what I believe to be the most important paragraph in the book from page 11. Then I will re-write the paragraph as pertaining to our times. My shuddering know’s no end at this point.
At Wannsee 15 men from a variety of different institutions and agencies met to talk about murder. The relationships between them, and their involvement in anti-Jewish action were decisively formed in the early 1930’s. More than any specific goals laid down in that decade, it was the emerging ‘syndrome’ of eager subordination (to Hitler), shared racist values and competitive cooperation in pursuit of those values that provided the most disastrous omen for the future, (Roseman,, Wannsee and the Final Solution, p.11).
The Legislative Branch of the United States, men and women, from different States met to talk about murder. The relationships between them, and their involvement in anti-Muslim and anti-Palestinian action ere decisively formed in the early 2000’s. More than any specific goals laid down in that decade, it was the emerging ‘syndrome’ of eager subordination (to AIPAC), shared racist values and competitive cooperation in pursuit of those values that provided the most disastrous omen for the future.
BUT I MUST WARN YOU. Even that paragraph above is too specific. Keep in mind, we are now sending vast armaments to the Philippines and Taiwan as well as Ukraine, NATO and Israel. Forever Wars and violence as perpetrated by the USA.
The Legislative Branch of the United States, men and women, from different States met to talk about murder. The relationships between them, and their involvement in anti-Muslim, anti-Russian and anti-Chinese action are decisively formed in the early 2000’s. More than any specific goals laid down in that decade, it was the emerging ‘syndrome’ of eager subordination to greed, racism, ethnocentrism and violence and the sharing of those values and competitive cooperation in pursuit of those values that provided the most disastrous omen for the future.
I love my country. My life has been spent helping the people of my country. To live in peace and harmony is not a pipe-dream. It is possible. But our greedy, violent, lying, power hungry, ignorant, stealing and narcissistic leadership is leading us to an end of times.
We MUST ALL stand up or the end of our world as we know it will be on us
Gov. Shapiro Signing Artillery Shells
Thanks for the salute, Tom. But two to three books a week ... um, I'm falling short. Damn, I'm a slow reader. In a nation of people unwilling, afraid or too lazy to understand the world that is putting their families at risk, it's a blessing to have someone to talk to about the mounting madness.