The depravity of the uninitiated male has been completely unleashed by our evil clown president elect and his troupe of perverts. (Trump’s Promise to Young Men: I Am Your Retribution Against Women, New Republic, October 2024) e thought women were perceived as toys before, just wait until you hear about this one.
The newest trend on TikTok, and similar sites I surmise, is to have a young girl appear on the screen sitting coyly in a chair having inserted a vibrator into her vagina and/or anus. It is called, The Vibration Game. Viewers send in coins which engage the vibrator. The amount of coins sent determines the number of seconds the vibrator is engaged. Young women work for as long as 12 hours a day with hundreds and sometimes thousands of American men watching and paying.
We both know some of these women are part of a global sex trade and are forced to do this (you can hear men talking in the background). Others are poor kids who need to make money. Across the globe young people are out of work and poor. Many having two compromise their values in order to survive.
Look at the age of these kids and young women.
The number in the upper right is the current number of men watching and participating in this on-line game (172)
The twisted influence of depraved Western males is not only harming the young women and men in the USA but has now spread to countries around the world. Thousands of Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, Vietnamese and Russian women sell themselves to males for hours every day. The holistic wounding of these women will be felt for decades. And the depravity of Western (especially American) males will lead to consequences for them and the Western culture that cannot even be imagined.
In my opinion those young girls are being raped and assaulted all day long. “But they are choosing to do this and enjoy it.” That rationalism is how far gone, how deluded and how dangerous to women our Western culture has become. And, now, uninitiated Western males have been given permission by Donald The Fat Pervert Criminal to act ‘guilt free’.
Research yourself, ‘A new misogyny released by the election of Trump’. It is stunning, And we elders must NOT allow this to go any further. We MUST teach our boys (no matter their age) how to be men of integrity, honor and character.
Honor. Now that’s a word you don’t hear much.
Honor (Cambridge Dictionary): honesty, fairness and/or integrity in one's beliefs and actions.
That is a very troublesome definition. ‘In one’s beliefs’ is the wonky part of this definition. And is the wonky part of our culture. There ARE truths and sacred knowings. Men, and women, must be taught these truths …. these facts…. that are replicated in cultures cross the world and have been truths since forever.
For example: The truth that men and women are equal and both are sacred. Sacred meaning: worthy of respect, love, safety, obeisance and awe. You may believe women are toys, but that does not make you honorable because you believe it! There are truths and laws and lore humans must live by if we are to be successful, if we are to be worthy of honor.
It has been stated by Trump and his band of crazies that it is time to bring order back to the female/male relationship. In his opinion women are to be used as men wish. In his opinion men own a woman’s body.
And there we have it. Now being manifested in ways like the ‘Vibration Game.” What is next? What is the next male belief about women that will be put on display for ALL to see?
Lord have pity on us.
It's all so inhumane and dystopian; a world where people are things and humanity evaporated in the heat of unrelenting greed. In a larger context, this is what the ruling class is doing to all of us, leaving US to mindlessly jerking off every election cycle.