4:00 AM Been up all night.
Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant
On 9 October 2023, following the beginning of the Israel-Hamas War and attacks in Israel by Hamas militants, Gallant said he had "ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything is closed. We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly.”
Speaking to Israeli troops on Wednesday, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said, “We are at the start of a new phase in the war — it requires courage, determination and perseverance.” He made no mention of the exploding devices but praised the work of Israel’s army and security agencies, saying “the results are very impressive.” (AP, 9/18/2024)
Not sleeping because of disturbance at the soul level and bewilderment at the intellectual and emotional level. Deeply disturbed and bewildered because, for the life of me, I cannot grasp what kind of a person thinks like this?
There is ordinary space and time. Our daily life. The routines, the ebbs and flows, the ups and downs of life where sometimes we are mindful, sometimes not. “Hmmmm, what did I have for lunch today?” Or, “Was it yesterday or two days ago I vacuumed?” We laugh at ourselves. We love our children, spouse, grandchildren … listen to the news…. make a meal….wash the dishes. We tend to sleep well. We tend to be in a good or happy mood. We don’t live, we do NOT live, in a cloud of stress or fear. Ordinary time.
There is liminal space and time. It is when we are thrown out of our ordinary life. We might get sick, have a big test to prepare for, we face a tragedy in our life, we face something spectacular in our life. A liminal ‘experience’ might be small or it might be earth shaking. Any liminal experience provides us with an opportunity to learn, grow and transform. We are different after a liminal event. The liminal experience, which alters our sense of space and time, may last a moment … or it may last weeks, months or even years.
… or it may last weeks, months or even years. A person heading off to war. A bout of COVID or long-term COVID. A heart attack and the recovery from that profound event through hospital time through PT through change of diet and exercise …. and the new ordinary.
… or it may last weeks, months or even years. The process of normalization, a defense mechanism, protects us from being in the constant ‘high’ of a liminal experience. For example, existing in the cacophony of war MAY become normal, ordinary, for a soldier. Being ‘on’ or ‘hyper-vigilant’ is not noticed UNTIL the soldier is relieved of having to be a soldier. The environment may change to one of peace but the soldier may have not let go of the ‘holistic anxiety and fear’, the hyper-vigilance. You can imagine the problem.
People who retire are significantly altering their experience of the ordinary. I didn’t realize I suffered from vicarious PTSD until I retired from being a therapist. I was ‘on’ for decades. Then told to switch ‘it’ off. I never heard the ‘hum’ of the PTSD, the ‘liminal which became normal which became my new ordinary, until I was no longer in that cacophony.
What does all of that have to do with Yoav Gallant and his ability to plan and perform cruelty? Replace Yoav with Biden or Putin …Trump … Harris …Zelensky … all the various legislators in DC. In my humble opinion, speaking as a psychologist and human being, all of those people have utterly forgotten what ordinary time is! They have forgot what being a human is. They have become deluded or hypnotized … lost in a liminal space and time they cannot even see. They now exist in liminoid space and time. They exist in a mutated sense of perception so distant from the ordinary…so distant from even the liminal … that they have lost their humanity. They believe their own idiotic stories.
Trump can’t let go of the 2020 elections.
Biden can’t let go of his loathing of Putin and their macho penis dual.
Kamala can’t let go of her actual self-loathing that she is a female, so she acts like a white uninitiated male instead of her true self. How’s that for a long distance diagnosis?
Again, you get the picture.
How can Yoav Gallant callously plan, or sign off on, the explosion of items that are powered by lithium batteries? Knowing full well hundreds will die and/ or be maimed. How can a Yoav so callously plan and implement a genocide that has killed and maimed tens of thousands of humans?
Here is my answer. World leaders and many of their minions and a majority of their constituents have completely lost their memory of ‘the ordinary.’ The new ordinary is actually liminoid. It is time and space vibrating with fear, anxiety, loathing and delusion. Their very soul has been altered. Their sense of ‘What is right and what is wrong’ has been altered. They are not well. THEY ARE NOT WELL and the unwell Blinkens, Sullivans, Trumps, Harrisons are pulling us into THEIR twisted and mutated perception/belief about ‘the ordinary.’
It is NOT ordinary to be at war decade after decade.
It is not ordinary to de-personalize the ‘other’ so much that killing and maiming them is not disturbing. It is ordinary. It is right!
Ask yourself …. please …. “Why do you believe Russia is the great enemy?” Why? What in your experience has you believing they are a liminoid people living in a liminoid country.
If you are a Yankee, why would you get anxious if you had to drive alone in Mississippi? Why? Really, why would driving in Mississippi be a high level liminal experience?
How does Yoav Gallant, whose own mother was a survivor of the concentration camps and his uncles partisans who fought against the Nazi’s, hate so deeply that he can kill thousands without one iota of disturbance?
AHHHHH …. there it is … without one iota of disturbance. I contend that there is disturbance even if completely unconscious of the disturbance. Even what we once called ‘psychopaths and sociopaths’ feel disturbance, feel a pang of guilt or horror about their behavior. Their unconscious mind, their soul, haunts them. Their humanity screams out but is muffled by the learned greed, violence, stealing, lies and lust of life. If you study Adolph Hitler you come to understand his liminal, turned liminoid, experiences turned him into a monster.
What must we do if we are to live. The world almost ended soon Saturday morning. Billions of us living normal ordinary lives were almost vaporized because of the few lost in their fear, anxiety and loathing. They have lost perspective. They cannot see the forest through the trees. They are beyond narcissistic psychopaths because in their insanity the rest of us don’t exist, and surely don’t matter.
We don’t just allow people to drive. They have to learn how to drive. They have to take a test. Acquire a license.
We don’t just allow people to carry a gun. Oh shit, we do in some States. And what is the outcome of that ludicrous decision? Rhetorical question.
Why do we allow a criminal like Donald Trump to run for president? Why do we allow Kamala, who hasn’t been vetted or voted on by any of us, to run for president? Why do we allow a Gallant to be the Defense Minister in charge of killing people?
No effective and efficient company operates this way. No training. No experience. And, in actuality dangerous!! Why don’t we have a vetting process? Why don’t we have a means to test their understanding of the laws, an understanding of human beings, an understanding of history for God’s sake!!
How many armies must invade Russia and face slaughter before it is realized no one will ever defeat Mother Russia?!!!!! My lord our hubris is our nemesis. And how can these people sprout hubris in a Petri dish of ignorance, trance and delusion?
We must vette and educate and ‘license’ our leaders-to-be.
Yah, TJ, that will happen.
It is now 6:00 AM. How many will die and be maimed today? The leaders dance ands sing and eat fine food and travel in their air conditioned golf carts and planes. Distraction of assassination, distraction of exploding pagers and the distraction of Chinese and Filipino boats ramming into each other. All distraction.
Shiny thing over there?
We have lost our humanity and what we call ‘ordinary’ IS NOT!!! We must wake up from our collective sleep and demand leaders who have hearts, souls, compassion and wisdom.
I’m too tired to edit.
Be safe.
Thanks Thomas for sharing these raw reactions. You are definitely not alone in them. I need to find another word for these beings that is not 'leaders' because to your point, how did they even secure these roles of governance? I am at a loss right now, but something to return to.
Your agonized comments are so appropriate, Thomas. The insanity of our current reality is mind-boggling. And we exist, as a "new normal," on the precipice of annihilation because of it.