The Ghouls Performed an Atrocity that ...
...Surpasses Any Level or definition of Incivility
The ghoul Zionists, members of the United States Military complex, Biden, Harris, Trump, and the greedy lawmakers in the USA have slid even deeper into a rotting, putrid, stinking, layer of bile that will coat their hearts and stain their souls forever. Those that have perpetrated this genocide will never find peace as the souls of the dead will haunt them for eternity.
Let the murderers, those that created the weapons used by the murderers and those ghouls in our government who now stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Himmler, Hitler, Pol Pot, Mussolini, Mao and Stalin as the most vile humans to ever exist on this planet, reap what they have sown four times over. They have brought ill will upon themselves. No one has to wish it upon them.
Last night the ghouls bombed a location where pregnant women, women and children were hiding from the missiles and drones. But the ghouls found them. And the pregnant women were found gutted, their unborn babies blown from their bodies and strewn across the rubble.
Imagine the grandmas, husbands, the living children and the workers who have to carry the torn bodies to their grave? Horror knows no limit when the evil ghouls are allowed to ply their trade. And to think, once again, the beast was allowed into the USA and spoke at the U.N..
We have lost our way. Utterly lost our way.
Utterly satanic & Satan himself had the nerve to speak at the UN yesterday. Apparently he gave the orders for all the atrocities carried out yesterday in Lebanon while he was in New York. It’s apparent who’s in charge in the USA these days.
May they never have a peaceful nights sleep.