I was taught,
Christ was not a Christian,
but a blessed way of being.
Creating and loving where one could.
Helping when one could.
Giving even when one imagined one could not.
But surely,
was not,
gleefully drinking,
from a chalice of tin,
from an unholy grail,
overflowing with,
the blood and the gore of Palestinians.
Children and their emaciated families,
with boils on their skin,
lay charred, torn and broken,
under the cement and the sins,
of the blood thirsty Christians,
who stood up in the Great House,
again and again,
blood caked on their mouth,
gore in their hair,
drawing in through their flared nostrils,
the putrid rotting air,
breathed by the unholy Zionist,
who spoke his filth there.
Anti-Christ speaking before them.
“Brown Muslims”, they cried,
“Is there anything worse?
Rid us Beloved Beast,
of this terrible curse.”
Christ was not a Christian,
nor are any of those,
who take the blood money,
as Christians they pose,
as leaders of this land,
but no more will I be fooled,
by these soulless men and women,
who are nothing but vile ghouls.
TJB October 2024 (A psychologist not a poet)
While loving the poor
Protecting the children
Comforting the sick
The old and the dying
The Likud laugh
and mock your suffering.
The ZioNazi’s from the distant past,
have a absconded with the souls of those
who wound you
and kill you
and destroy your land
and your children
every day.
The Christian in America
drink your blood from the cup
made of greed
Absolutely magnificent poem, Thomas. Profound and powerful. Among the best I've read in memory. The video was a shocking and awful vision, even though we've seen the images repeated all too often. An excellent post.
Woahh, wow, word.