She reported to us nearly every day. “Hello, this is Bisan from Gaza. I’m still alive. It is day 300 of the genocide”
We saw her cry, laugh, tremble, suffer … grow old.
She implored us, thanked us, derided us, questioned the world, and loves her people. Loves children. Loves life.
Loves life.
If I was allowed the opportunity to sit with one person on planet earth for a few hours, it would be Bisan. I’ve sat with other-worldly people before. It is impossible to explain the experience … the atmosphere … the spirit …. mostly because a person like Bisan walks through life in the Dine’ Beauty Way and would never, for a moment, state that that she was anything special. Humility. Kindness. Love. Empathy. Compassion. Courage (Big heartedness). Horrified and frightened , yet fearless.
When with such a person there is no need to ask questions. Or even to be seen. As my elders taught me, it would be a time to sit quietly, to disappear into experience, to simply be. A person like Bisan, when you are with them, shows you what and how you could be. They show you that without saying a word. It is their essence… their soul that connects with yours.
Pedestal? No. No. No. Recognition. Recognition that highly advanced souls walk among us. Simply to be close, to touch her sleeve, would be enough. Sattva.
What now for Bisan? That is my worry.
She has held on for hundreds of days. When the full extent of the tragedy hits her. When a week from now if the killing does stop, and she wakes up and asks, “What just happened? Was that a nightmare? It can’t be real. I’m alive. I AM alive. I made it. Why me? What if they start shooting again? What happens to us now?
All of the questions she will ask. I would give the world to be there, in those moments and just be there for her. To do or not do whatever she needed.
Thank you Bisan. I’m so so so sorry Bisan. Please forgive us. Blessings and many good dreams for you. Please allow her good dreams and happy days ahead.
Please allow her good dreams 🤲🏽. Highly advanced soul. I imagine Bisan, when you sit with her, would say there are many like her contributing in different ways… ways that we did not witness. ✨
Bisan has more intelligence, humanity and soul than could be distilled out of all of Washington DC and Tel Aviv.